Engineers play an important role in the global society. As a country that has been racially-homogenous, Japan has been leading the field of science and technology in all of Asia. Japan is now facing a rapid decrease in birth rate, which signifies the need to cooperate with different nations and acquire a variety of skills necessary to keep up with the global society. As the world keeps internationalizing and labor mobility keeps evolving, it will be vital to develop an industry where different cultures coexist and cooperate in the global market. Here at the School of Engineering, Tohoku University, every non-regular exchange student must belong to a laboratory. Through interacting with local students, international exchange students can study with Japan’s latest research environment, get to know Japanese people’s diligent and courteous character as well as their safe and orderly research procedures. IEED consists of teachers who specialize in international engineering education, such as Japanese language and culture, communication as well as technology, and aims at producing engineers that can respond flexibly in the global society and create new values by combining various elements rather than focusing only on manufacturing.
- Three Strengths
- Strength to create new values
- Strength to cooperate with people from all around the world
- Strength to adjust to changes in society while keeping your own ideas and thoughts
- Those are the three keys we utilize to maintain our activities.
- 1
- 国際社会対応力を
Training globally
qualified personnel
- 2
- 派遣留学促進
Encouraging students
to study abroad
- 3
- 留学生受入促進
Promoting admission
of international
exchange students
- 4
- 海外機関との連携
with international
- 5
- 国際プログラムの
Planning and
management of
international programs
- 6
- 国際交流に関する
Public relations and
providing information on
international exchange
- 7
- 国際教育に関する
Analyzing information on
international education